Tuesday, January 5, 2010

My First Post

So it's a new year and Mrs. Emily Griffin has been haggling me (okay she said it one time) to start a blog of my own. My response, "Emily, what do I have to blog about?" Then it hit, me... NOTHING! I have no new house to update everyone on. I have no husband, or fiancee for that matter, to brag about or plan a wedding for. I have no dog of my own, therefore no puppy training or mischeivous dog stories.

For those of you who think this blog is a Bitter Betty story, you are sadly mistaken. This is the story of a girl who on paper may seem to have nothing, but who in reality has it all. I have a fabulous life with fabulous friends and a fabulous boyfriend. So here's to people with no life.



  1. I shared the name of the blog with Belle, and quite honestly she is very confused.

  2. YES! now we just have to get Heather blogging. Wait, that might not be appropriate for the internet. :)

  3. I am thinking about doing an anonymous one ;)

  4. Vanessa, Heather could call it "IamCreepy.blogspot". That seems appropriate.

  5. Act like you wouldnt read it everyday Pays
